Thursday, 24 October 2013


This blog comes by way of the Schlagerboys who take a tongue in cheek look at the Eurovision Song Contest and aim to get as much publicity for themselves as they can in the process.

Lots of detail about the competition and plenty of glitzy photographs but unfortunately no music. 

So here is the link: Eurovision Song Contest 2013

For anybody with the patience the Schlagerboys can be spotted in the audience.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Djenne Djenno

Every now and then there`s a blog which raises an interest and after tracking back a little through the blog I found this from the blogger herself:

Before leaving for our holiday I wrote in my diary:
It is Christmas Eve 2005, nearly 6 in the morning.
 I will go to Africa on Boxing Day. Maybe I won’t come back. Something will happen in Africa, I think- something which will change, or end my life. ‘

I was right. Something did happen in Africa. I found a totally new life which lay there, waiting for me to discover it.

The blog can be found  HERE


Not a very productive POP MUSIC BLOG but nicely set out.

Finding random blogs brings random information. The blogger is from Canada but one of the musicians mentioned on the first page is Danny Shah, 19 at the time, from Glasgow. I come from Glasgow but I had never heard of him but then I do not tune into pop music and he is still trying to make a name for himself

Here`s the link to his music channel on Youtube:

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

The only boy in the house

This is a family blog but written by a Dad.

There is a simplicity about it and I like the sense of space. Wordpress does seem to allow line spacing that makes for an easier read. Posts are not too long and and are illustrated by a simple photograph.
Dad blogs about his two little girls and is amazed at how quickly they develop. What he is doing is building a record of their lives, those moments that stand out but which pass all too quickly. A nice way of doing it in this technological age.
The blog can be found HERE

Monday, 21 October 2013

Sitzblog 2

 I was able to navigate my way to the review of THE LOVELY BONES easily enough by hitting the tab at the top SITZBOOKS.

Here are some of his comments:
"The Good: It's a well-written book for the most part, and I was glad I finally got a chance to read it since I'd heard about it for a while. The story has sad, depressing elements mixed with a bit of suspense. Plus, it's set in the 70s, so that's cool although a bit inexplicable. Does Sebold think she's the Tarantino of bestselling books?

The not-so-good : The way Sebold wraps up the story wasn't terribly satisfying, in my opinion. Also, it's kind of creepy to think that dead people can follow us, watch our every move, and read our thoughts. That seems to have been a more interesting direction for this book, but it never quite went there."
 What interested me in what was Sebold`s first novel was that I had first read her autobiography which I found disappointing.  On the other hand, her novel was well written and structured and it was apparent she felt more comfortable in the world of fiction. Dead people cannot comment on the living I heard people say when they criticized the book but I felt they were taking things too literally. What this fictional device allowed Sebold to do was to engage with the characters in a much more intimate way. It actually opened up interesting possibilities for the narrative.
Creepy it was in places if you like that sort of thing, which I do, as long as it`s set in a warmer and more comfortable background.


In Blogger and using the NEXT BLOG tab it`s possible to hit a blog at random and here`s one.

I immediately liked the colour and stayed for a while. Obviously masculine because of the colour but not the predictable black which made it interesting.
The blog was neat, but as I read the introduction the white typeface on the background did not work for me - it could have been better, but was not so distracting that it mattered very much. Scrolling down to get a feel for what this blog was about I noticed the list on the left. It was a list of books and to the right I noted the word REVIEW. So this blogger was a reader and liked to tell his readers what he thought about the books he read. I noted he had read THE LOVELY BONES by A Sebold..
I have read THE LOVELY BONES and was going to come back to have another look.
First impressions matter.